

    余登發故居 The Yu Deng Fa House 列印
      資料更新時間:109-05-05 14:12


    Self-made man Mr. Yu Deng Fa, born in the countryside in 1904, was the first independent candidate elected as county head, and made many outstanding contributions to Taiwan democracy and Kaohsiung County. To commemorate his independent thought and actions, as a daring, principled, striving forerunner of Taiwan democracy, his old residence has been renovated and opened to the public. The exhibition covers 100m2, and commemorates our forebears, helps us understand the past, and reminds us of the difficult road to democracy. It is well worth being pondered and cherished by our descendants.

    No.27, Ciaonan Rd., Ciaotou Dist., Kaohsiung City
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